The Grassroots Action Group is dedicated to the preservation of local democracy and has formed in West Auckland to enable ordinary people to understand issues and have their say.

Please support GAG's work by making a regular donation of whatever you can afford to our bank account: 12-3100-0167100-00

Monday, July 19, 2010


Mels Barton will be interviewed live on the Vinnie Eastwood show, broadcasting in the United States on Weds 21 July at 7am (NZ local time).

You can listen to the show online here

The Vinnie Eastwood Show is part of American Freedom Radio

Monday, July 12, 2010


PRESS RELEASE – For immediate release, Tuesday 13 July 2010

The Future West and City Vision teams have selected the candidates they wish to stand in the Whau Ward for the Auckland Council elections in October under the banner “Future Whau”.

“The candidates that we have picked to stand for the Future Whau team have a great range of skills, experience, background, age and ethnicity that we think reflects the diversity of the ward” says Future West Chair Greg Presland.

“Future West and City Vision are working together to pool resources and get the best outcome for the people of the Whau Ward” says City Vision Chair Robert Gallagher.

“The candidates we have selected represent the grassroots community and will be working together to restore democracy to the Super City for the future of everyone in the Whau” says GAG President Mels Barton.

The candidates standing for the Local Board in the Whau Ward for Future Whau are:

Nick Bakulich
Catherine Farmer
Cherie Jamieson
Gary Marshall
Ann Pala
Eve Robertson
Imi Tovia

The candidates standing for the Portage Licensing Trust for Future West are:

Catherine Farmer
Margi Watson
Lorraine Wilson

More details regarding all candidates will be available on the Future West and City Vision websites at or once all selections are complete.

Future West and City Vision are coalitions of the Labour Party, Green Party and independent community groups.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dr Mels Barton. Ecology of a Supercity, Governance and Democracy

GreenplanetFM 104.6 Thursday 1st July 8-9am

Dr Mels Barton. Ecology of a Supercity, Governance and Democracy

Listen online at any time by clicking here.

Listen to a clear and lucid understanding of what the many grass roots and
volunteer groups are doing to make NZ sustainable and the excellent work
they do, what charitable trusts support them, how local government needs
more consciousness to see that an ecological approach to environment,
health and community are critical to where we are going as a nation.

That at a national level, the Government still sees the environment as
'something' to exploit, when for example, in England Marks and Spence the
huge super store has gone sustainable and is producing larger profits,
because of going more into organics and a healthier lifestyle.

On top of this the NZ Resource Management Act is perceived as woolly, in
that there are no numbers in it, no targets, or standards, and that we are
20 years behind Europe in writing and complying with policy. When in fact
we could be the planetary leader!

Finally, an exceptionally clear summary about the Supercity, Governance
and Loss of Democracy. Plus, what is the Search and Surveillance Bill that
is being foisted upon us, a peaceful nation of only 4 million kiwis? Why
such draconian measures and who it there right mind would conjure up such
a hideous concept?

GreenplanetFM 104.6 Thur 1 July 8-9am

Dr Mels Barton

With Tim Lynch in Mobilising Consciousness
